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Image courtesy of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.
Image courtesy of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.
American Historical Cards
Image courtesy of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.
Image courtesy of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.

American Historical Cards

Object numberMO 2007.858n
Maker (American printer and publisher, 1795 - 1851)
Dateca. 1840
Mediumpaper (cardstock), ink
Dimensionsoverall (stack) H 1 1/4 in x W 3 5/8 in x D 2 5/8 in (3.2 cm x 9.2 cm x 6.7 cm )

DescriptionA game based on American history and the U.S. Government. The unboxed card game starts with a green card with the title and publisher information: American Historical Cards. / BEING A SETT [sic] OF / QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, / RELATING TO / AMERICAN HISTORY, / AND THE / GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. / Designed for the Instruction and Amusement / OF YOUNG PERSONS. / Arranged and Published by H. Mann. / Dedham. Mass.

The game includes a green card with an explanation of the game; 6 white question cards (with 40 questions); and 37 remaining green answer cards.
Label TextThis game is part of a collection of 19th century games designed for the amuseument and instruction of children (MO 2007.858a-r) purchased by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939 for $97.50. The games, which were found together in the attic of an old house in Massachusetts, were put up for sale as a collection by The American Autograph Shop in Merion Station, Pennsylvania.
Additional DetailsUse Restriction StatusUnrestrictedCopyrightReproduction or other use of these holdings or images thereof is unrestricted.
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