Image courtesy of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.
Ammen C. Farenholt
American, 1871 - 1956
Place of BirthNorfolk, Virginia
Place of DeathSan Diego, California
BiographyRear Admiral (RADM) USN (MC), Ret., of San Diego, California. Son of Rear Admiral Oscar (USN) and Ella (Ames) Farenholt. He was also a hereditary member of the California Commandery of the MOLLUS, Insignia Number 9999. Ammen graduated from Harvard in 1893 with an MD and entered the naval service as an assistant surgeon May 29, 1894, and was promoted to the grade of passed assistant surgeon May 29, 1897. He served with Dewey at Manila, in the Philippine Insurrection, and on the China Coast serving on many ships including the USS Baltimore, USS Oregon, USS Maryland, USS Independence, etc. He attained the rank of Lieutenant on December 26, 1900, and was a passed Assistant Surgeon in the Navy with the rank of Lieutenant. From December 26, 1900, to April 12, 1901, he was on sea duty attached to the USS Concord. From April 12, 1901, to July 27, 1901, he was on sea duty attached to the USS Oregon. In 1920, he was stationed in Vallejo, California at he Navy Yard on Mare Island. He was Commander of the Hospital Ship Mercy in 1921 and later the Commanding Officer of the U.S. Naval Hospitals on Mare Island, California, at Great Lakes, Illinois in the 1920s, and Puget Sound, Washington. He was promoted to Rear Admiral December 7, 1926, was the Medical Inspector of Naval Medical Corps activities on the East Coast in 1930, and Assistant to the Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery in Washington. He was appointed Inspector of the Medical Department activities of the West Coast August 24, 1931 and retired January 1, 1936. In addition to MOLLUS he was a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, a member of the American Medical Association, te New York Yacht Club, a contributor to the Naval Medical Bulletin and Naval Institute, received campaign awards, and a citation for services in World War I.
Ammen was married on August 11, 1927 in New York, New York to Mrs. William H. Whiting (Henrietta Petronilla Afong). She was born 1870 in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii the daughter of Chun Afong and Julia Hope Kamakaia Paaikamokulani-O-Kinau Fairweather. During his life, Ammen donated many photographs and artifacts to Naval History Department including a photograph of the iron-clad CSS Albemarle, which was later used to help create the working scale model. A street at the Naval Medical Center in San Diego bears his name as well. Henrietta died February 11, 1940 in San Diego, California, and Ammen died February 12, 1956 in San Diego, California. Both are buried at the San Francisco National Cemetery. (Source:
Ammen was married on August 11, 1927 in New York, New York to Mrs. William H. Whiting (Henrietta Petronilla Afong). She was born 1870 in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii the daughter of Chun Afong and Julia Hope Kamakaia Paaikamokulani-O-Kinau Fairweather. During his life, Ammen donated many photographs and artifacts to Naval History Department including a photograph of the iron-clad CSS Albemarle, which was later used to help create the working scale model. A street at the Naval Medical Center in San Diego bears his name as well. Henrietta died February 11, 1940 in San Diego, California, and Ammen died February 12, 1956 in San Diego, California. Both are buried at the San Francisco National Cemetery. (Source: